Training Plans
Programs are divided into 4 week blocks with usually 1-2 workouts repeated weekly. You’re going to make a lot more progress focusing on the same lifts several times a month as opposed to doing a different workout every single time you come in. Within the 4 weeks reps and weights will change and this is where progressive overload happens. Changing the workouts slightly every 4 weeks prevents you from getting bored and helps you stick to the long term plan.
Fat Loss
Fat loss would involve both a structured training program and a detailed nutrition plan. A calorie deficit is going to be the main way you elicit fat loss and we will teach you how to manage this and still be able to train hard. Don’t worry, it won’t be a chicken and broccoli prescribed diet. We will show you how to still be able to eat the foods you want and enjoy - it’s about learning how many calories are contained in the foods you like to eat so that you know HOW much to eat. Training won’t involve low weights with high reps, that’s a myth. You will still be focusing on lifting heavy and consistently.
Muscle Gain
Muscle gain would involve a structured training program and a detailed nutrition plan, where we will slowly build you up into a calorie surplus over time. When people struggle to build muscle and add size it’s because they’re not eating enough consistently. The other mistake is eating everything in sight and not taking into account you need to be eating specific amounts of protein so that the majority of weight you put on isn’t all fat. Training would involve targeting the large muscle groups (legs, back and chest) and over time progressively overloading by either increasing the weight used or reps performed.
Sport Specific
Our Sport Specific training involves a methodical approach in the gym so that the results can be applied and seen during your sport of choice, whether that be Soccer, Tennis, Basketball or Golf. For the majority of sports, strength, explosive power, speed, and agility are the main components when it comes to improving performance. Not only will you develop strength and stability around your joints, your levels of overall fitness and performance will also increase.